With mortgage lenders raising their minimum FICO score requirements lately, it is as good a time as ever to get in touch with your credit profile. A high percentage of credit reports we look at contain errors and inaccuracies that our clients were unaware of - and if we are working on a purchase contract, or taking advantage of a briefly open window of opportunity to refinance, its often too late to do anything about it by the time we see the score.
Edward Jamison is an attorney who provides credit score repair advice. I am not endorsing his product, but he has a significant presence in the mortgage industry as a go-to for clients in need of credit clean-up. He'll tell you that much of what he does is stuff a consumer can do on their own, as long as they know how credit scoring works.
Credit scoring models are not 100% transparent, but there are many sources out there who claim to know how to tweak here and there. The problem I see is that much of the advice conflicts with one another, sometimes in significant ways. Jamison seems about as credible as any in providing advice, so I figured this brief article was worth a read at least. Look it over and see if you have made any of these mistakes. And if you need further help, contact me and we can go through your report together.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Credit Score Tips (5 Common Mistakes To Avoid) From Edward Jamison
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8:47 AM